The Shave Packaging project was a class assignment completed in the Fall of 2019. The Shave started out as an idea for a beard care kit; however, once more research was done, it was easy to see there is a lack of gender neutral shave kits on the market. Another big problem within the shaving process is the large amount of disposable razor that have been found in landfills since the 90's. This subtle gaps in marketing, along with the importance of being eco-friendly, inspired me to come up with "The Shave | A Shaving Kit For All."

Below are the die lines for The Shave packaging project. All patterns and basic packaging lines were made in Adobe Illustrator. Each package is made to have a 1970's style pattern on the bottom and a clean and simple top, so when the user opens the box or flips it over they are surprised with a fun and unique pattern design.

This project allowed each student to create a brand completely on our own. Below is the brand guide and logo styling for The Shave. The logo is made to replicate the sharp clean lines you get when you shave, while giving the viewer a something fun and warm to connect with.